Why did the programmer quit his job? Because he didn’t get arrays

David Castillo
2 min readDec 19, 2020
  1. Why learn coding and how do I think coding can change the world?

For me coding has been part of my life for a while even though im still young, I want to learn so I can attain a skillset not many people have and hopefully support myself financially with this skilleset. I believe coding changes the world everyday because when you think about it, we all have phones and they all are online using apps or websites which were all.. you guessed it, CODED!

2. What does doctype do at the top of your HTML file? Why does this need to be specified?

Doctype always needs to be specified because it tells the document what language you’re going to be writing in that way it can understand what you’re writing. It needs to be always at the top so that it will be looked at first by the optimizer.

3. How does a browser determines what HTML Elements match a CSS selector.

In the head of your html file you always link your html file with your CSS file so that the browser knows where to get its styling from. In CSS you use selectors to target specific elements to style.

4. What’s the difference between and HTML Element and an HTML Tag?

An HTML tag is a opening and closing container for which you put content inside. An HTML element is the tag and the content within.

5. Explain the Cascade of CSS

The order that your write the CSS rules matter, when two rules that have equal specificity apply, the one that comes last in the CSS is the one that will be used.

6. The 3 ways to link/use CSS in an HTML file to style a web page

  • Inline

Where HTML are styled within the opening tags individually.

  • Internal

Using the <style> tags in the head of the HTML file.

  • Externally

By linking a external CSS file with matching specificity rules to the HTML element.

